IPS-EPISā¢ Training for PGCIL in India
Last week, Joze Bizjak held training for Power Grid Corporation of India (PGCIL), with the aim of familiarization with Enterprise Protection Information System IPS-EPISā¢.
The main focus of onsite training was to increase understanding within the Enterprise Protection Information System and to deepen the knowledge about the usability that IPS-EPISā¢ brings. Through the training, they have covered main topics such as Protection Data Management, Protection Setting and Testing management as well as Setting Life Cycle Management and Setting Change Management.
We would like to thank PGCIL for the great hospitality at POWERGRID Academy of Leadership PAL. Modern training facilities and excellent cooperation with trainees enabled IPS to conduct the training as planned.
We are looking forward to establishing an even deeper partnership with the PGCIL in the future.